The Foundational Five: Practical Applications of Assent-Based Practice


The field of behavior analysis has long focused on modifying behavior through the principles of reinforcement, punishment, and environmental manipulation. While these principles have been invaluable in promoting behavior change, there is an emerging recognition of the importance of compassion and assent in creating sustainable and meaningful outcomes for clients and their families. This presentation aims to explore the application of assent-based care to enhance and support clinical outcomes. This presentation will offer actionable tools practitioners can use with their clients, supervisees, and supervisors to align their practice with an assent-based model. Behavior analysts can establish a foundation of trust, empathy, and responsiveness that serves as a catalyst for positive change. Attendees will leave with a practical roadmap to begin or enhance their own or their organization’s integration of these practices.


1. Participants will be able to identify 3 skills or strategies to embed in their plans for their clients that are aligned to assent practices.
2. Participants will be able to identify key skills for their implementors to use when engaging in behavior modification or reduction practices with their clients.
3. Participants will identify key strategies to align stakeholders with an organization to practice and make decisions that support assent practices.